» Product Reviews » Fitvits Gummy Bears… Vitamins for littlies!
Fitvits Gummy Bears… Vitamins for littlies!

Ever worried about getting the right vitamins into your littlies?  Worry no more! It seems the very lovelies at Fitvits have come up with a solution! Vitmains that are shaped like bears!

The rather cool Fitvits Gummy Bears were reviewed by our rather lovely testers Dawson and Rauri. Their mum Rose tells us what they thought of the Gummy bears…



‘The boys finished the packet in no time at all and asked if they could have ‘some more sweeties’ later, so that probably says it all, to them they were just treats!They are definately not distinguishable from the regular gummi bears found in things like ‘Haribo’ so the boys thought they were having a treat.

We have recently been using the soft and chewy bassets vitamins but they can only have one a day, so although they think they are sweeties they didn’t like the fact they could only eat one – therefore we think gummi vitamins are brilliant solving this problem totally!

We will definately be buying these!’