» Features » Messy fun time! » Easter Egg Decorations
Easter Egg Decorations

These easy to make Easter eggs, look fab hanging from twirly branches or placed in a decorative basket on the table!

Egg blowing

*Eggs must be at room temperature and need to be whole and not cracked

*Prick the big end of an egg with a pin then make the hole bigger by carefully chipping away the shell around the hole.

*Make another hole in the small end of the egg.

*Put your fingers over both the holes and shake the egg hard, this will break the yolk.

*Hold the egg over a bowl and blow through the small hole, (littlies love doing this and giggle when the yolk splurges out in long yucky drops!)

*Let the egg dry for a few hours ready for the fun decorating.


You can paint, draw or glue paper, ribbon,wool or sequins onto your eggs or you can dye them first and then decorate them.

To dye the eggs you will need:


*measuring cup


*food colouring

*large spoon

*rubber gloves (to protect hands from colour!)

*Blown eggs
How to:

*Fill a bowl with half a pint of cooled down, warm boiled water.

*Add 1 teaspoon of vinegar and approx 20 drops of food colouring

*Stir mixture well

*Using the gloves & spoon, place the egg into the mixture and leave until it is the shade you want.

*Remove the egg and place to dry on the paper towel

*When dyed egg is dry, decorate with sequins, wool, beads and stickers or just leave plain.