November 2010


Things are going well. I’m very tired managing my two littlies that getting out with the buggy is quite tricky. However, I’m finding the time and really getting stronger.

I do at least 3 walks a week, and have built them up gradually. I’m finding myself getting stronger and loosing weight slowly (very slowly!)

My weight has now dropped to 10st 1, so I’m doing o.k -slowly but surely.

I’m trying so hard to eat healthily, but as any mum knows- grabbing a unhealthy snack here and there in-between meals is easy to do, and biscuits seems to call me to eat them mid-morning!

I’ve been following the ‘stroll back to shape’ session one for a while now, then once I had my 8 week check (all good)  I started on session two which you can follow too below.

The pace picks up a bit in session two, but it’s easy to follow and done in moderation it’s great for sweeping away the exercise cobwebs!