» Features » Messy fun time! » Christmas Angel mobile
Christmas Angel mobile

What better way to contain the Christmas excitement than by making Christmas decorations!

Doing arty things, helps to calm excited children, and focus their attention on something else.

Try these easy(ish) mobiles to hang in your kitchen or playroom!

To make Angel mobiles you will need:

Gold or Silver placemats/ card for body
Pink/Brown card or paper for faces

White feathers or card for wings

Gold Glitter for decoration (optional)

skewer sticks for the mobile frame

Children’s Bit!
Cut the placemat in half, you may need a little help. You now have a semi circle.

Curl into a cone shape.

Ask a grown up to help you staple or glue it together to secure.

It should look a little something like the picture on the left.
Cut a face shape out the some card, and draw a face on it. Angels look happy, so make sure you draw a big smile!

Now your Angel needs some wings. You can use white feathers or you could make some out of card or paper.

Stick or staple them to your Angels back (you may need to ask a grown up to help you with this bit).

Stick your Angels head onto the body.

Decorate with glitter to make them extra sparkly!

Your Angel should now look a little bit like the one at the top of the page!
Ask a grown up to do the next bit, as it’s quite tricky.
Grown ups bit:
Using the skewers, fix them into a cross shape using sticky tape.

Thread cotton through each Angel, then fix onto each skewer.

You should now have a completed Angel mobile!

Now ask a grown up to hang your mobile somewhere where the light can catch the glitter, and your Angels can fly freely!