» childcareisfun » Calling all Dad’s!
Calling all Dad’s!

There is a widespread belief that antenatal and postnatal depression is only experienced by women.

However, research and anecdotal evidence suggests that this is not the case.

 It is believed one in 14 men will experience depression during the antenatal and postnatal period,with some evidence suggesting that the figure could be as high as one in three.

 A dad whose partner is suffering from PND is at increased risk of developing depression in the postnatal period.

Megan Early-Gray, a trainee Clinical Psycologist is undertaking this research for her Clinical Psychology doctoral thesis based at the University of Surrey.

This study has received a favourable ethical opinion from the University of Surrey’s Faculty of Arts and Human Sciences Ethics Committee.

 In her qualitative study she’ll ask men what their experiences are of struggling after having a child, how they coped, and how they sought help.

 Megan isn’t specifically looking for men who have a diagnosis of any mental health problem, although of course they are included, but wants men who aren’t being seen, or haven’t been noticed by services (which she has noticed is a big problem.)

Have you felt stressed, low or like you are struggling to cope since becoming a father? Or do you remember feeling this way, but now feel better?
Do you have a child or baby under 3?
You may be able to help with this interesting research!

 Megan is interviewing men who have struggled to cope with some aspect of their lives after having a child. The one-off interview will last between 45 – 90 minutes and will be conducted in a private setting to ensure confidentiality.

 Don’t worry if you don’t know what to talk about – your interview will be guided by questions.

If you think you can help, or know of anyone else who may be interested, (your expenses will be repaid,) please contact :

 Megan Earl-Gray

Tel: 07577 845361

Email: [email protected]

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