» Features » Nannies Corner! » Employment advice with Tricia Pritchard – Senior Professional Officer at Voice
Employment advice with Tricia Pritchard – Senior Professional Officer at Voice

My name is Tricia Pritchard and I’m Senior Professional Officer at Voice.  Previously known as PANN (Professional Association of Nursery Nurses), Voice is the only trade union nannies and maternity nurses can join.

I’ve worked for Voice for 26 years in April and you’d think I’d seen it all – not so!

My job is to support and represent members who find themselves facing employment difficulties ranging from contractual issues; hours of work, pay, tax and national insurance, to terms and conditions of employment problems such as references,  disciplinary,  grievance, wrongful dismissal, redundancy and so on.

I am delighted to have been invited to become a regular contributor to the Nanny Corner and hope that over the next few months I am able to provide you with information and advice that will prove useful to you in your work.  It is my intention to cover areas of employment law applying to you, along with examples of my current casework – you never know, a problem I am working on may mirrornanny of the years awards your experience and give you insight on how best you might resolve the situation.

Plus, If you’ve got an employment question you’d like me to address please email me via the nanny corner and I’ll do my best to answer in my next contribution.

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