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Allergy Kids – Allermates wristbands

We love finding new and fab things for littlies at Childcare is Fun, and we get very excited when those things involve helping kids!

Allergy kids, an online shop sells funky wristbands for kids with allergies.

Did you know that in the Uk alone, around 18 million people in Britain are estimated to have an allergy, 3 million of which, have severe enough symptoms to need to see a specialist allergist?

Children are particularly affected with as many as 40,000 born each year developing an allergy or allergy related condition such as asthma, eczema, rhinitis (including hayfever), food allergy, drug allergy, allergy to stings, urticaria, angiodema and anaphylaxis.

At least 1 in 50 of all children are allergic to nuts. All allergies are on the increase particularly in the developed, western world but there is no conclusive evidence to confirm why this should be.

Are the bands kid friendly?

I’m fortunate enough not to have any allergies, and my children are also allergy free, but we were happy to try out the wristbands for comfort and to see how they’d work in everyday life.

The rather funky wristbands are made from top quality hypo-allergenic materials, lead and latex free and capable of withstanding most things that an active youngster can throw at them. They have been thoroughly tested by Allergy UK, the leading national medical charity for people with allergies, and have been awarded their prestigious ‘Allergy Friendly Product Award.’

Miss B loved wearing one of the bands – ‘pretty’ she called them, and was very cross when I wouldn’t let her wear it out (How do I explain to staff memebers at playgroup that my child doesn’t really have an allergy, I’m just weirdly letting her wear an allergy band?!)

How much do they cost?

Priced at £5.99 the wristbands are bright and colourful and have adjustable snaps. They fit children from the age of 2 and are waterproof! 

We think the Allergy bands are fun and funky and yet get the serious underlying message across, allowing schools, nurseries and groups know your child has an allergy without making them feel weird about it.

The bands come in a range of designs that include egg, insect, latex, cat, pollen and nut allergy awareness and you can see the full range here.

For more information you can head to Allergy kids here.