I need a bloomin’ massive hug. And Cake. And a box of tissues right now.
It’s probaly not a good idea to rant on my blog after all the bad press Stafford Hospital have had, but then, it’s MY blog and I use it to share parenting stories, issues and news. And news this is…
This news isn’t good. In fact it’s damn right rubbish.
My little girl B (3) keeps dislocating her joints. I’ve written about it more here. It’s so unpsetting to see – she is so very brave, and the majority of times, on our way to hospital they pop back in. This week her leg has popped 3 times, her arm last week popped in and out in a couple of seconds, but those seconds are so painful, frightening and upsetting for a little girl.
B was referred 3 weeks ago to SDGH after yet another hospital visit, only to be then rejected by the hospital as they ‘no longer take refs for orthapedics, so you’ll have to wait for another appointment.’
Wait we did.
Then I called the hospital who had no record of B on their system. Then I called our doctors practice.
To cut a long story short (as told to me by our doctors receptionist) – Stafford hospital should never have accepted the appointment, and should have notified the doctors. After much upset on my part and calling a few times, an emergency appointment has been given for, wait for it, DECEMBER!
Another two months of painful, frightening experiences which we STILL have no explanation for.
In desperation I called our private healthcare that we’ve and (of course as we had guessed) she’s not covered as she has been to hospital within a year for symptoms of a suspected condition (still undiagnosed).
I’ve supported our local hospital when it was under attack and constant threat of closure. I write and tweet and Facebook about the amazing staff and treatment, and now I feel totally and utterly let down.
They have let my little girl down. A 3 year old little girl who now has to wait even longer to be seen by a specialist – In Wolverhampton!
Kelly Wiffin
I think this is terrible. For an adult to wait for an appointment is hard enough but a child should never have to wait for an appointment, not when the child is going through discomfort. The fact that this is happening regularly your daughter should be seen straight away. I really do hope you get seen very soon, if not immediately!