Ssssssensory play with the letter S is a way of bridging letter learning with sensory fun.
For our sensory play we chose Salt,sequins,sticks,straws and talked about each item as we added it to our play trays.
The emphasis on the S really helped them to learn the sound and shape of the letter. We Sssss’d our way through sequins and S,S,S’d our play using straws to write the letter in the salt.
B wanted to add water to the salt, which in turn created another S sound – “it’s like a Sandcastle now Mummy!” Ssssandcastle!
Our sequins were made into Sssnakes and our sticks into Ssssnails! Oz said The Salt looked like snow which created another S-sounding word.
We really had a fun, learning,
Sensory play with the letter S today!