Birches Valley
There’s one place near our home in the Ford’ that I adore to visit with the littlies, and it’s the one place where I know for sure, little Fairies live! I’m not kidding!
Birches valley is situated in Staffordshire in the wonderful Cannock chase area and the place where we buy our Christmas tree from every year! We go here often, but our favourite time to visit is the summer when we make a day of it with a picnic and Indie-dog comes along too!
There’s a walk that we take called the ‘Health Trail’ that leads us past the Three bears chairs, and then past The tortoise and the Hare, and finally to a magical Fairy wood filled with tiny fairy washing lines, doors and windows in the old twitsy trees and magic fairy dust all over the floor.
On leaving the Fairy wood, there’s an interactive, recycled, music-zone where you can drum old crates, plastic barrels and more. It truly is a magical and fun place to visit.
We always have a wonderful time searching for fairies and Betsy said she thinks she heard some!