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Camp Bestival – the most funtastic time ever!

Camp Bestival | Festivals 2014 | Family friendly Festival

We are home from what I can only describe as the most funtastic time ever!


We are shattered but so very happy to have spent time with some amazing people at the most wonderful festival at Lulworth Castle in beautiful Dorset.


I could ramble on for hours about our fantastic adventure at Camp Bestival, but I thought a few faves would be better and a little video of our awesome fun might make better reading/viewing.


Our Camp Bestival 2014 highlights


Our fave performances

Too many to mention, but our favourites definitely stood out. We loved pretty much all of the acts, and when the music was too loud, the littlies just popped on their ear-defenders. Win – win! 


Oz (aged 3)  ‘Mr Tumble was awesome! I liked doing the hokey-cokey!’ (Yet again Mr T was amazing. He got the whole crowd up dancing and singing along. Such a lovely fella and I’ve had the pleasure of chatting with him several times in the past. He really is as lovely off stage as he is on.)


Boo (aged 4) ‘I liked the girls and boys singing on that big stage’ (We loved West End Kids – the talent was amazing and Boo in particular loved the singing!) 


Mummy (aged 39) Johhny Marr was pretty fantastic. He oozed stage cool and sang some classic Smiths tunes that made me shake it and sing a long at the top of my voice. Awesome music for an awesome festival.


I really loved Basement Jaxx too  – the party vibe was clearly seen throughout the Camp Bestival audience with kids and parents jumping and singing along – a truly unforgettable moment!



Our Fave areas:


Oz (aged 3) ‘The man and ladies in the blue coats and with funny faces’ (The blue coats made us giggle!  Oz thought they were very funny and loved it when he got fired at with a water gun. He squealed with delight before running back challenging them to ‘get me’ again!)

‘I liked the knights, but not the baddy knight’ (This was pretty awesome! How fabulous for my little knight fan to see medieval jousting in front of a beautiful castle.)


Boo (aged 4) ‘I liked the carrot-sell (The Carousel was lovely – but at £2.50 each a ride, it wasn’t cheap for 3 of us to ride. However,  the price was worth the delight on their little faces and the giggles.)


‘I loved the circus tricks bit’ (We spent lots of time there because the kids just wanted to go back again and again. Us grown-ups didn’t mind at all as it was right next to the Cocktail jar bar. Perfect!


Mummy (aged 39) I loved the littlies having a wild time’ in Project Wild Thing!


Muddy, messy, fun playing in the woods and on the play-park, and seeing and learning about insects. Oz loved the caterpillars and Boo enjoyed getting her hands all dirty splatting a huge lump of clay on the wall! They both loved making plant pots and planting seeds too. Messy fun with nature!


I pretty much loved all of the areas – it’s just set up perfectly to wander from fun thing to fab thing with lots of food, drink and treat stalls on the way.



We loved the pizza and pasta stall near the big red bus. Truly delicious pasta with big portion sizes at a very reasonable £4 for kids and £7 for adults. To be honest – the kids portion was more than enough for me, so we ended up getting 2 kids portions each time and sharing between us – with still some leftover!


The wood fired Pizza was amazing. £10 for a whole pizza and mighty popular with the lovely Biba. (I won’t say how many she managed – but let’s say she’d give those ninja Turtles a run for their money!)


Festival stalls


There were lots of fabulous shops with exciting, but sometimes expensive items. I parted with £50 for two tails – a little over the top, and totally my choice – but very cute and well made.


camp bestival | camp bestival 2014 highlights | camp bestival 2014The Farmers market was brilliant – The littlies loved the fresh fruit mixes with cream and we got through quite a few strawberry punnets!


The knackered mothers wine club had an awesome selection of wine, and the Cocktail jam jar bar was fantastic. I loved the Garden of Eden cocktail very much. Perhaps a little too much. (Hiccup)


Any bad bits? (No, not really!)


Oz (aged 3) ‘I didn’t like the tick eating me!’ (well, to be fair – who would? After rolling around in the grass, little Oz had a tick which I removed but left the head in. daft Mummy that I am! To avoid infection we headed to the medical centre who were totally lovely and brilliant and got it all out in a non-stressy way. Clever festival medics.)


Boo (aged 4) ‘I didnt like my bed getting wet in our silly tent’ (I didn’t like that much either – but rain is rain, and old tents don’t fare very well in heavy rain falls. The sun came out the next day and dried everything so it wasn’t so bad!)


Mummy (aged 39) My bad bit? I didn’t want it to end! We’d had such a lovely time – I wished we could’ve  stayed longer! We are all feeling so happy and relaxed after our awesome few days.


We had the most wonderful time at Camp Bestival and despite a rocky and exhausting start, the fun and fabness that followed more than made up for the stress on arrival.

If you’d like to go to Camp Bestival next year – you can book your tickets this week! Take advantage of the early bird tickets that go on sale this Friday by ordering yours here!  


*We were kindly given tickets to attend Camp Bestival as official bloggers but all opinions are our own!


Camp Bestival

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